When winter brings us cold and drizzly days, we tend to gravitate towards warm and comforting foods such as curries, slow cooked meals, or herbal teas to warm us up from the inside. But why do these bring us so much comfort when we are cold?
Not only are they served warm, but also because the spices we choose to cook with in these times are thermogenic (aka warming or winter spices). Thermogenesis is a process in which heat is produced in living organisms. Thermogenic foods help warm up our bodies and speed up the metabolism. These spices are easy to incorporate in many different applications, so you’re able to warm your body from the inside out all day long!
We've compiled 4 different spices that are easy to purchase and easy to use this winter.
Cinnamon is a great source for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This can help to fight oxidative stress, infections and viruses in the body, many of which creep up in the winter months. Cinnamon is also wonderful for promoting heart health by reducing high blood pressure in the arteries and improving the body’s blood circulation. For your daily dose of warmth, you can't go wrong with this classic combo in our ancient grain porridge. Tender fruit, warming cinnamon, and crunchy almonds work together beautifully in this soothing breakfast bowl.
Or, if preferred, simply stop by the Dinner Twist Marketplace, hit the 'breakfast' tab, and order the bundle with your next delivery for an even easier option!

Ginger contains antioxidants such as shoals, zinger ones and gingeroles which act as anti-inflammatory agents in the body. Ginger has also long been used to help treat an upset stomach, indigestion and nausea. Our fire cider recipe is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and is a great decongestant!

Turmeric’s active compound ‘curcumin’ has long been known for it’s many health benefits. Turmeric contains iron, manganese, potassium, vitamins B6 and C. These vitamins and minerals aid in anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, pain reduction, reducing insulin resistance and reducing oxidative stress. To reap the benefits that turmeric offers, it is best to consume daily. This turmeric latte is an easy way to achieve that!

Black Pepper
Black pepper isn’t just a great seasoning to have at the table! Black pepper helps the stomach to release hydrochloric acid which aids in digestion and reduces heartburn and indigestion. Regular consumption of black pepper can aid in stabling blood sugars, which is particularly importation for diabetics with insulin resistance. Most importantly in the cold months is the phytonutrients that black pepper contains which have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Try making this stir-fry for dinner soon!