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As a busy mum, I am always seeking inspiration. Our blog is the perfect place to find new recipes, entertaining and holiday ideas and so much more!
- My Tistrand, Co-founder & mum

Weeks and weekends jam-packed with sports, activities, and errands? Keep the kids (and yourself) full with these great recipes.

We know the rut; Tuesday is science club, Wednesday is drama class, Saturday you have to hang around the netball courts for 2 games (that are 2 hours apart!) and on Sunday you have to drive to that football ground that's 45 minutes away, and you get lost on the way! Those half-time oranges can only go so far as to keep a hungry tummy at bay, our snacks will see everyone go the distance.

We tested these filling recipes and snacks in the kitchen and on our kids; they were a slam dunk! Our aim; to create options that can be made in batches, easy to pre-prepare, travel well, and keep everyone full so their eyes are on the ball! 





Peanut Butter, Granola and Banana Sushi
with Boiled Eggs

Ingredients :
  • wraps
  • peanut butter, or nut or seed spread of choice
  • bananas
  • granola or muesli of choice
  • free-range eggs
  1. For boiled eggs, bring a saucepan of water to a boil. Add eggs and cook for 6-9 minutes (6 minutes will give you soft, runny yolks, 9 minutes will give you hard-boiled eggs). Cool under running cold water and peel.
  2. Lay wraps out on a clean bench. Spread peanut butter evenly across one side of the wrap. Sprinkle over granola and add peeled banana to the side of the wrap (1 banana per wrap).
  3. Tightly roll the wrap up around the banana. Use a sharp knife to slice into 'sushi' pieces.
Cooking notes:
  • Is peanut butter, not your vibe? Try our nut-free chocolate spread instead!
  • If preparing for another day, cover each wrap with foil, or baking paper, or place in an airtight container and refrigerate, then slice on the day to avoid browning on the banana.

Want to make this at home? We used Diego's Classic Wraps, GH Produce Naked Nola and Nutta Butta Peanut Butter from the Dinner Twist Marketplace.


Baked Bean and Cheese Toasties
with Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/3 cup cashews raw
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter heaped
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil melted
  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chopped or choc chips
  • 1/2 brown onion
  • 1/2 zucchini
  • 1 tin baked beans
  • 8 slices of wholemeal bread
  • 150g shredded cheddar cheese
  1. Preheat oven to 180C.
  2. Add all the ingredients to a food processor, except for the chocolate, and process until the mixture comes together. You will know when the mixture is ready, as it will be sticky enough to hold its shape when pressed. If it is too dry, add a touch more water.
  3. Add the chopped chocolate and stir through.
  4. Spoon 1 tbsp of mixture onto a lined oven tray and shape into a cookie.
  5. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until golden around the edges.
  1. Heat a saucepan over medium-high heat with oil. Add diced onion and grated zucchini. Saute for 5 minutes until softened. Add baked beans and cook for 2-4 minutes until warmed.
  2. Spoon baked bean mix onto 4 slices of bread. Top with shredded cheese and remaining bread.
  3. Toast in a sandwich press or in an oiled frypan until golden and the cheese is melted.
Cooking notes:
  • If using roasted cashews, add extra 1-2 tsp water.
  • Toasties can be wrapped and frozen before toasting so they are ready to go for another day. If you take them on the go, wrap them with foil to insulate the heat.

Want to make this at home? We used Grass Roots Organic Chia Seeds, Raw Food Factory Organic Maple Syrup and Niulife Organic Hand Pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Ceres Organics Baked Beans, Kitchen2Kitchen Shredded Cheddar Cheese and Abhi's Organic Wholemeal Sandwich Loaf from the Dinner Twist Marketplace.


Chicken and Hummus
with Naan Dippers

Ingredients :
  • 300g chicken schnitzels
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tub hummus (200g)
  • 9-pack cocktail naan
  1. Coat chicken with oil, garlic powder, oregano, salt and pepper.
  2. Heat a large frypan over medium-high heat with oil. Add chicken and cook for 4-5 minutes each side. Remove from pan and allow chicken to cool.
  3. Add extra oil to pan. Add naan and cook for 1-2 minutes each side until golden.
  4. Optional: loosen hummus with 1-2 tbsp water.
  5. Slice chicken and divide among 2-3 lunch boxes. Add hummus and naan.
Cooking notes:
  • Use your favourite seasoning on the chicken; smoked paprika, dried rosemary, dried Italian herbs, Moroccan spice mix, or anything you know your child (or you!) will enjoy.

Want to make this at home? We used Liberty Free-Range Chicken Schnitzels, The Olive Branch Hummus and Mughal Foods Cocktail Naan from the Dinner Twist Marketplace.


Apple Pie Yoghurt & Granola
with Veggie Sticks & Dip

Ingredients :
  • 1 apple
  • 2 tsp butter
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • pinch ground ginger
  • 2 tsp brown sugar
  • greek or natural yoghurt
  • granola
  • veggies such as snow peas, cucumbers, carrots, celery
  • dip of choice (go for something with protein in it like French onion or hummus)
  1. Dice apple. Add to a saucepan over medium heat with butter, cinnamon, ginger and sugar. Cook, covered, for 3-5 minutes until apple has softened. Allow to cool.
  2. Spoon yoghurt into a jar or thermo. Top with granola and cooked apples.
  3. Cut veggies into sticks. Spoon dip into a lunch box or small container for dipping.
Cooking notes:
  • Used jars from pestos, sauces, spice mixes, etc, can be washed out and used to pack the apple pie yoghurt and granola into. This is a great way to reuse something that, otherwise, might have gone in the bin, and you won't be so upset if it accidentally gets left at the footy field!

Want to make this at home? We used Local Red Apples, Brownes Greek Natural Yoghurt and Energising School Snack Pack from the Dinner Twist Marketplace.



As a busy mum, I am always seeking inspiration. Our blog is the perfect place to find new recipes, entertaining and holiday ideas and so much more!
- My Tistrand, Co-founder & mum