From scraps to scrumptious; why throw away veggie scraps when you can regrow them?
Countless veggies can be regrown from their roots, tops, sprouts or seeds. In fact, some of them require nothing more than water and sunshine to thrive!
This means that you won't even need a garden or risk getting dirty fingernails from your regrowing ventures — unless you want to, of course!
By regrowing veggies, you minimise waste and create crisp, fresh produce to harvest from your very own home, perfect for lunch or dinnertime cooking adventures.
Keep reading to learn how to regrow some of your Dinner Twist kitchen scraps.
Spring onions
Spring onions may just about be the easiest type of plant to regrow at home. They're sold with their long roots intact, allowing for easy replanting.
If you have a garden, simply pick a nice spot that gets occasional sunshine. Then, plant the roots and the bottom 1-2cm of the white end of the spring onion into the soil. Water regularly, and see how the spring onion top regrows at an almost unbelievable speed — within weeks you should be able to harvest it by cutting off what you need from the top while leaving the roots in the ground. Then, repeat once it's regrown.
If preferred, you can also place the roots in a glass of water (keeping the white end above water) in your window inside. This will allow the top to regrow — although not for endless cycles like if you plant it in the ground.
Use spring onions in everything from stir-fries to salads to pasta sauces.

Although you cannot create more beetroots from a whole beetroot, you can use the top to regrow the leafy top.
Simply cut off the leafy top along with around 1-2 cm of the top part of the root. Place the root part in a thin layer of water, keep in the window, and see how the leaves revive and grow.
After about a week, you can even re-plant the plant into the ground outside, provided that you water it frequently.
Beetroot leaves are a great addition to salads, wraps and sandwiches.

This is a regrowing classic! Many types of lettuce — like romaine, cos or iceberg — can be regrown if you simply place the bottom part in water.
Keep the base in the sun, and after a few weeks you'll have fresh lettuce leaves ready to add to salads, burgers, and more.

You won't achieve a brand-new celery root, but you will get crunchy, fresh celery stalks and leaves by leaving the base part of a bunch of celery in water for a few weeks.
Add them to salads, pasta sauce like bolognese, or soups!

If you've left your potatoes in the cupboard a little too long, they may start to sprout. But no need to get upset; instead of tossing them, regrow them!
Find a nice place in the garden with rich soil or mulch and bury the sprouted spuds around 15-25cm deep. You can also use a large pot to keep on the balcony or terrace. Then, leave for a few months — you'll see leaves appear within a few weeks. Water regularly.
Once ready, you'll have not one, but many, many new baby potatoes, ready to use in your next potato dish. (This also works with sweet potato!)

After spending too long time in the kitchen cupboards, onions typically start to sprout all on their own. So why not take advantage?
Simply plant sprouted onions into soil and watch the magic (aka growth) happen.
You can chop off the tops as they grow to use them in the same way as you'd use spring onions.

Last, but definitely not least; you can also regrow tomatoes.
Whether they've gone too soft and mushy, or if you just have a few slices left after dinner, simply plant them in a pot or your garden, water regularly, and watch new tomato plants appear.
This works with both cherry tomatoes and large ones. Enjoy in salads, sauces, sandwiches, or anywhere else you'd like!